There are 70 NSF scholarships available in 2024 to distribute on a first-come-first-served basis. The application form for the research and scholarship is now available!

Click here to fill out the application form for Summer 2024 now! See below for more information about the scholarship and research.

What is this?

In the summer of 2023, Catholic University is providing 70 full course scholarships ($225) to pay for the Online Precalculus Review Course for Catholic University students who need to take calculus for their major.  

What's the catch?

There are no eligibility requirements to apply for the scholarship. The first 70 students that apply will receive the scholarship. The scholarship is open to all Catholic University students, including freshmen who will start their regular classes in the Fall 2024 semester. 

Why should I do it?

The Online Precalculus Review Course has been a huge help to students since it was created in 2017. Students were able to start calculus class in their first fall semester and stay on track for their major, and students who placed directly into calculus began their college careers with much more confidence. In the past, students had to pay for the course, but this summer, with the scholarship the course will be free.

Why are Catholic University and the National Science Foundation giving these scholarships?

 The Catholic University Math and Education Departments received a grant from the National Science Foundation to study certain learning behaviors in college-level online math classes. Calculus classes can be a source of stress and even a barrier for some students and we want to help students succeed in their majors. This grant will look at, for example, what prompts them to seek help, what kinds of help they look for, and how students look for help sources. As part of this grant, we are enhancing the Online Precalculus Review Course to offer more prompts to encourage students to seek help and more sources of help. We will offer students the opportunity to volunteer to be part of this important work. Students will fill out confidential short surveys during the Online Precalculus Review Course that will help them understand their own learning behaviors better, which will help them to succeed not only in the Online Precalculus Review Course but in their calculus and other classes as well. To be part of this study, please fill out the research consent forms linked here and send them to math-onlineprecalc@cua.eduStudents will be eligible for gift card incentives after the summer course concludes, for focus groups with other students and follow-up surveys. 

How do I apply?

The application form for Summer 2024 is now available on the website.

How do I get the money?

 If you have received the scholarship and registered for the course, the course cost ($225) will be applied to your student account, making it free. This will happen two to three weeks after your enrollment has been completed.