1. Students who placed into Calculus I but would be more confident with a timely review of precalculus topics before the semester begins. 

  • Students start calculus with better algebra and precalculus skills.
  • Students become familiar with the same homework platform and learning software used in calculus classes

2. Students who need Calculus 1 (Math 111 or 121) for their major, but didn't place into it with Catholic University's placement test. 

  • Students will be on track for their majors and will be able to take classes in the standard sequence.
  • Students will need to take one fewer class (by not having to take Math 108 or Math 110).
  • Fewer summer classes to catch up. 

3. Students who need to take Applied Mathematics for Business (Math 110) and didn't place out of it. 

ADVANTAGE: Students who complete Math 11 will not need to take Math 110

4. Students who need Applied Mathematics for Business (Math 110) or Calculus 1 (Math 111 or 121) and would rather take this self-paced summer course than take the placement test.


  • Students can avoid having to take the Catholic University placement exam
  • Students will build pre-calculus skills, and will either more prepared for later math classes

5. Students who will benefit from math review for other reasons - ie. language, math anxiety. 


  • Students will refresh math skills and become familiar with math terminology in English.
  • Students become familiar with the same homework platform and learning software used in calculus classes
  • Students will start calculus classes with more confidence