*Getting Students on Track: experience with a newly developed self-paced online pre-calculus review course at The Catholic University of America, Anita M. Shagnea, Joshua Himmelsbach and Kiran Bhutani. Joint Mathematics Meetings, MAA Contributed Paper Session on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Collegiate Mathematics. Baltimore, Maryland, January 2019.
*An evaluation of a DO-178A software development process, A. M. Shagnea and K. J. Hayhurst. Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Digital Avionics Systems Conference. pp. 97 – 102, 1991.
Managing the Development and Verification of Avionics Software, Anita M. Shagnea and Kelly J. Hayhurst. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Testing Computer Software. pp. 137-146, 1990.
*Application of Industry-Standard Guidelines for the Validation of Avionics Software, Kelly J. Hayhurst and Anita M. Shagnea. Proceedings of the IEEE 9th Digital Avionics Systems Conference. pp. 278-282, 1990.
*Data Collection and Descriptive Analysis: A First Step for Developing Quality Software, Anita M. Shagnea, Kelly J. Hayhurst, and B. Edward Withers. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Computer Assurance. pp. 58-65, 1989.
*Software Verification Plan for GCS, L.A. Dent, A.M. Shagnea, K.J. Hayhurst. NASA Contractor Report NASA-TM-101668, February 1990.
*GCS (Guidance and Control Software) Plan for Software Aspects of Certification, A.M. Shagnea, D.S. Lowman, and B.E. Withers. NASA Contractor Report 181972, February 1990.
*GCS (Guidance and Control Software) Programmer’s Manual, D.S. Lowman, B.E. Withers, A.M. Shagnea, L.A. Dent, K.J. Hayhurst. NASA Technical Report 102721, December 1990.
*GCS (Guidance and Control Software) Development Specification Review Description, A.M. Shagnea and J.R. Dunham. NASA Technical Report NAS1-17964, 1989.
*RTCA/DO-178B, "Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification," December 1, 1992. U.S. Government standard for creation/approval of software-based avionics systems. Part of committee which created this document.